Athletic Handbook
Philosophy of the Athletic Program Central Pointe Christian Academy recognizes the importance of athletic activities in providing students with important opportunities for a total education. These activities teach students’ lifetime values such as commitment, discipline, hard work, leadership, teamwork, and physical fitness, all of which are the foundation for academic success. Participation in athletic activities contributes to the physical, emotional and social health of our students and promotes a sense of unity and cooperation among athletes, the student body, and the community.Our sports teams will always strive to win, but never at the expense of character, healthy attitudes and habits, and good judgment. We will always emphasize excellence, effort, improvement, and respect for coaches, teammates and officials. All Central Pointe Christian Academy athletes should be known for their character and class; humble in victory and gracious in defeat. Varsity and junior varsity levels, winning is a goal but is less important than participation and skill development. Regardless of level, however, our athletic program is designed to develop, promote and provide the following: self -esteem, school spirit and pride, good citizenship, sportsmanship, cooperation, higher academic performance, responsibility to self and others, respect, positive role models, healthy lifestyles, team- building, and lifelong wellness. We believe that the sports experience should not only be rewarding but fun.
Central Pointe Christian Academy further recognizes the unique roles and responsibilities of its coaches and parents in sports activities. Coaches’ and parents’ primary roles should be to teach the lifetime values of our sports philosophy and to always lead by example. The CPCA athletic programs are an integral part of the school and the community. Their impact is immensely important in promoting a positive school climate because they offer opportunities for adults to interact with our students in meaningful ways not available in the classroom.
Once again, I thank you for taking the time to read through this athletic handbook. I look forward to your support and involvement in our athletic program and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Best regards,
Code of Ethics for Spectators
● Attempts to understand and be informed of the playing rules.
● Appreciates a good play no matter who makes it
● Cooperates with and responds enthusiastically to cheerleaders/dance team
● Shows compassion for an injured player; applauds positive performance; does not heckle, jeer or distract players; and avoids use of profane and obnoxious language and behavior.
● Respects the judgment and strategy of the coach, and does not criticize players or coaches for loss of game.
● Respects property of others and authority of those who administer the competition
● Censures those whose behavior is unbecoming
● Respects officials and accepts their decisions without gesture or argument
Code of Ethics for Student/Athletes
● Remember that academic performance is your primary responsibility
● Read, familiarize yourself and comply with policies outlined in the Athletic Handbook AND your coach’s specific set of team policies.
● Treat advisors, coaches and opponents with respect.
● Respect officials and accept their decision without argument or gesture.
● Exercise self -control at all times, setting an example for others to follow. ● Win without boasting, lose without excuse and never quit.
● Always remember that you represent Central Pointe Christian Academy and the community, and it is a privilege.
● Return any equipment; uniforms issued to the participant must be returned in the same condition at the end of the activity. Equipment that is lost, damaged or stolen is the responsibility of the participant, and it is the responsibility of the participant to make restitution to the school.
● Report any injury to the coach no matter how slight the injury may appear. If the injury requires a physician’s care, the participant must have written permission from the doctor before returning to the activity.
● Attend classes the day of, and after, a competition.
● Extracurricular activities are not an excuse for being tardy on the day following a competition.
Code of Ethics for Parents of Athletes
● Encourage your child and team – be enthusiastic – show school spirit.
● Maintain a positive attitude whether your team is winning or losing.
● Refrain from being insulting or showing bad sportsmanship during the competition. Any problems or concerns should be brought to the attention of the coach or the athletic director at another time.
● Support the team with team sponsored events, such as fundraising initiatives, phone trees, etc.
● Parents, as spectators, are expected to exhibit good sportsmanship at all times.
(See the above VPA definition of the responsibilities of spectators).
Spectators, including parents, who, in the judgment of the principal, athletic director, and/or the site administrator, behave in ways that are inappropriate and in violation of the VPA guidelines will be warned about the behavior and then will be asked to leave the competition, immediately.
● Respect the judgment and strategy of the coach
● Do not criticize players or coaches for loss of game
* For more information about our Athletic Handbook, ask for a hard copy. CPCA Administration.